Friday, December 10, 2010

Defining Storage in I/O for a Virtualization Project

Virtualization depends on storage media.  

You can remove almost every other facet of the VM however it has to "live" somewhere (even if that somewhere is a live datastream as some of you would point out).  This much appears clear to everyone, however what does not come immediately leaping out is what the requirements are for the application footprint you desire to support. 

The Basics of Analysis

The services you will support within the virtual environment will have many variables or tunables, however the keys to success are the following:
  • What does the I/O profile look like
  • Will the deployment be single or multiple site
  • What does my backup solution need to ensure 100% coverage
I/O Profile

You will have to do your due diligence to create a list of applications you are to run on it and analyze the use cases for the storage. Some read/write in large sequenced blocks (highly sequential data like file shares, backup servers, deduplication, etc.) some read/write in highly random ways (highly random access like database, hpc functions, etc.) and some have a good mix like email systems.

You will tend to pay more for performance i/o and if your purpose is to deploy servers you are looking at between 40 iops and thousands dependant upon application.  Heavy read write databases perform differently than heavy read i/o for web servers, however some of the basics are mitigated by it being on a virtual machine, its actually any time you need to access (read or write) data that the i/o (input / output) comes into play. 

For a in-depth picture on the problem here see take a look at

The bottom line here is, that if you have an environment where the servers are sized appropriately and storage sizing seems to be adequate but performance isn't all it should be, then it may be time to break into ESXTOP or TOP or something to analyze waits on your CPU to determine if storage is the bottleneck.  Dollars to doughnuts it is...

Single or Multi Site

In the dark ages of virtualization (like 5 years ago) when vMotion was in its infancy and untrusted, and Storage vMotion had yet to make its debut, site replication options were very limited... and then SAN companies just magically got a clue and it created a day of ubiquitous data mirroring that we all enjoy today... oh wait, I was inhaling white board markers again, no that never happened... ever.

Today your storage choices may be more numerous than before, but they still make use of the same mainly logical layouts and presentation of disks through all of the same players with FCoE (and begrudgingly infiniband) as notable newcomer to the fray.  Enter CISCO a company I have much maligned in many roles and championed in others has gotten a major clue and started the convergence movement which will mean great gains in the Virtualization space as storage and data become parallel resources instead of disparate islands of consternation.  But convergence is still not where it needs to be and even CISCOs Nexus methodology has run into some convergence challenges, so the drums go forward, but where does that leave us...

Oh yeah... silos of data... the same as it has been since the invention of storage media.  EMC and NetApp both have reasonably affordable cross-site mirroring technologies (Replicator and SnapMirror respectively).  These types of cross site replication allow access to data in seconds from the detected failure which could speed replication and site recovery.  Otherwise you can ship vms and snapshots manually and recover from log backups of databases so there are options.  Just consider your position as it regards storage lest ye pay the price in the future when you want to roll out SRM or a similar technology.
(An additional notable is vCenter Heartbeat for Vcenter and its Database server, a great cross site tech.)

Backups / Disaster Recovery and the like

From the previous paragraphs on site model it should be clear that the data is all over the place in a typically sprawled multi site deployment.  It is crucial to understand how you intend to back up the VMs in your environment, and how your storage platform takes a role in that architecture.  It is conceivable, albeit the likelihood has dropped considerably in the past few years, that you may have a tape system attached directly to one of your ESX servers, so what other options do people use?
  • Network Backup Software (Agent or Agentless which includes NetBackup, TSM and the like)
  • Storage based backups (NetApp Snap technology, as well as others from various storage companies)
  • Virtualization technology based (such as VMware Data Recovery or Veeam's Software Backup and Replication )
A good hard look at these options often find that it is a matter of cost consideration and as much dependant upon the storage you have chosen more than the backup solution you are currently using.


It is quite easy to develop a comprehensive plan cheaply using free or negligible cost tools, however the gap of skills required to do that often creates a desire in upper managment to throw an application or technology at it.  IT is up to you as the architect to ascertain to true requirements both business and technical and determine the vision for the virtualized infrastructure.  Without a cohesive approach you will end up deploying virtualization as a series of projects, and in conjunction with one of my friends and peers Steven Beaver from Vmware Communities fame suggests in his tag line "Virtualization is a journey, NOT a project"

Good luck and feel encouraged to hit me back with any storage related horror stories.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

ESXi 4.1 I/O Redirector (Active Directory Service)

In a previous blog post Undocumented ESXi 4.1 Features
I talked about a few new options available for ESXi 4.1 listed under the Security Profile section of a host configuration.

Specifically the first entry flummoxed me a lot until I looked a bit harder at the text... lets examine:

then with options:

You should note the full name is: I/O Redirector (Active Directory)(LWIOD) Options.

Well a little more scratching and I uncover the hidden link is a company called LIKEWISE.
LikeWise is an open source organization that provides audit and authentication services as a middleware, they are most familiar by handling AD authentication for Mac OSX environments and after a little view into their forums I was able to find this section, although ESXi is now out and these messages were previous to its release, however the most salient point is:

Q: What components of Likewise Open are included in VMware?
A: VMware has licensed the Likewise Identity Service from Likewise Software and integrated it into its hypervisor host operating systems ESX and ESXi.  This includes the components required to the support domain join, authentication and name based lookups of users among other features.

According to the information I have about LikeWise this can certainly bode well for us enterprise types who like to architect robust and federated environments, here are the features the Identity Service (the licensed LWIOD).

Here are a few things it could offer:
  • Authenticate with AD users and groups. AD schema changes not required.
  • Cached credentials support if the DCs are unavailable.
  • Backup alternative to ntpd via AD.
  • Support for AD site affinity.
  • Support for multiple forests.
As ever only start to make changes in your test environment.


Related posts:
  1. Official: Likewise software to be included in next vSphere release
  2. Interesting SRM things
  3. VMware document nerds
  4. Bluebear Kodiak
  5. AD and sudo integratation in kickstart

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Undocumented ESXi 4.1 Features

So I have been tasked with a VMware ESXi 4.1 rollout in an enterprise environment.  The Vertical is not important other than to say they are affected with something that rhymes with Tan Bleach Riley, so the security constraints are insane (think asking permission to open http access internally).

As I go forward and deploy I noticed a few settings in the Security Configuration area of vSphere for these servers that looks like:

You may notice a few additions like Direct Console UI (which can bite you severely if you turn it off and need access to your console locally to reconfigure or restart networking), and the Tech Support Options are somewhat self explanatory (since VMware took their unsupported mode and made it a legit feature), however what are I/O Redirector (Active Directory Service) and LBTD...

Well I asked one of my friends and one of the most highly experienced VMware gurus that I know, SBeaver (as many of you know him for a rundown.  He had the following to say on those two items:

  • I/O Redirector (Active Directory Service) - is or is related to the iSCSI Initiator
  • LBTD - is part of the Host Profile Enhancements for 4.1 and is the Load Balanced Teaming Daemon
I tried to do a little follow up now armed with Steve's key acronym decryption decoder ring, and it seems that the LBTD is used as an additional network load balancing technology in addition to ESX 4.0 favorites:
  • Route based on the originating virtual Port ID
  • Route based on IP hash
  • Route based on source MAC hash
 According to: VMware KB Article: 1022590

It appears there can still exist a condition that would result in two heavy loaded VMs congesting a physical adapter while other adapters are relatively free, and that by using the Load Balanced Teaming you can relieve this issue and also gain:
  • Dynamic adjustments to load
  • Different NIC speeds are taken into account. You can have a mix of 1Gbit, 10Gbit, and even 100Mbit NICs.
This feature can only be utilized with a virtual distributed switch (vDS) so plan accordingly and don't forget to tell the network team that you are exploring new strategies in nic teaming and that you may need some etherchannels opened up.

As for I/O Redirector (Active Directory Service) I am not finding a lot about it, so I will keep poking and divulge what I can.

On the top of the virtual mountain searching for the root of the world to see if its been /jail-ed,
